Scientists create low-methane rice

Scientists said Wednesday they had created a rice variety with starchier grains that emits less methane, a step towards the twin goals of feeding more people and curbing global warming.

Hormonal treatment for cows could reduce global warming

New research carried out by The University of Nottingham suggests targeted use of hormone treatments could make the dairy industry more efficient and sustainable in addition to cutting greenhouse gas emissions. 

Ocean currents impact methane consumption

Large amounts of methane - whether as free gas or as solid gas hydrates - can be found in the sea floor along the ocean shores. When the hydrates dissolve or when the gas finds pathways in the sea floor to ascend, the methane ...

How to make a profit from rotting garbage

Landfills can make a profit from all their rotting waste and a new patent explains exactly how to make the most out of the stinky garbage sites.

Management of peatlands has large climate impacts

Drainage and management of pristine peatlands increase greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. A recent study, based on a new, wide data set collected from northern peatlands indicates that particularly those peatlands ...

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