Turfgrass tested in shallow green roof substrates

Green roofs, rooftops covered with vegetation, provide multiple environmental and aesthetic benefits. These "living roofs" are increasing in popularity worldwide. As more cities invest in green roofs, planners are challenged ...

Improving the biodiversity of green roofs

Using living organisms such as bacteria or fungi, as an alternative to chemical fertilisers, can improve the soil biodiversity of green roofs, according to new research from the University of Portsmouth.

Two birds, one stone: Green roof gardening in the city

I'm a New York native, born and raised in Ozone Park, Queens. My family has a decent amount of space in our small backyard to grow fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes, chili peppers, squash and cucumbers are just a few items ...

Would you like greens with that?

What if the greens you need for tonight's dinner were grown on the roof of the office where you work? From a cook's perspective this is a dream – fresh produce and no time wasted on shopping. And the advantages of urban ...

Australian cities are lagging behind in greening up their buildings

Covering roofs and walls of buildings with vegetation is a good way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And these green roofs and walls make cities look nicer. Toronto's central business district adopted a policy of establishing ...

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