Generation green: smart cities bring new eco-friendly jobs

Smart cities across Europe are pioneering all sorts of cutting-edge technologies to reduce pollution and boost energy efficiency, becoming green role models for others to follow. The eco-friendly push is not only helping ...

Time for climate action in southern Africa

We know without a doubt that Africa's climate is changing. We need political intervention if African countries are to mitigate the effects of this problem. African governments need to create policies and pass laws that will ...

UN launches first global environmental assembly

The United Nations on Monday launched a week-long global environment conference aimed at tackling challenges from poaching to marine pollution and boosting the "green economy".

Forests crucial to green growth

The value of forests and tree-based ecosystems extends far beyond carbon sequestration; they are the foundation of sustainable societies.

Empowering people with disabilities in the green industries

People with disabilities represent a talented and creative section of the workforce in most areas of employment. A study to be published in the International Journal of Green Economics, suggests that as the so-called "green ...

High-tech industry big immigration bill winner

(AP)—More than any other group, the high-tech industry got big wins in an immigration bill approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, thanks to a concerted lobbying effort, an ideally positioned Senate ally and ...

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