Cities can grow without wrecking reefs and oceans. Here's how

"What happens if the water temperature rises by a few degrees?" is the 2018 International Year of the Reef leading question. While the ocean is the focus, urbanisation is the main reason for the rising temperatures and water ...

Germany wants automakers to pay up as more diesel bans loom

The German government is putting pressure on the country's automakers to fix their diesel cars that have excessive emissions, in a bid to placate drivers angered by the prospect of diesel driving bans in major cities.

Australian cities are lagging behind in greening up their buildings

Covering roofs and walls of buildings with vegetation is a good way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And these green roofs and walls make cities look nicer. Toronto's central business district adopted a policy of establishing ...

Cooling down Chicago

More than 50 percent of today's population lives in cities. According to the United Nations Development Programme, that number is predicted to rise to 70 percent by 2050. Growing urbanization increases the overall temperature ...

Helsinki aims to make cars superfluous by 2050

For years this port city on the edge of the Baltic has been considered one of the greenest in Europe. Now Helsinki wants to go a step further and make cars unnecessary by 2050.

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