Researchers are finding ways to turn down the heat in cities

Rooftop gardens and greenery can help ease some of the severe heat in cities, according to research from climate scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. For several decades, researchers ...

Marine Protected Areas are keeping turtles safe

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are providing sea turtles with an ideal habitat for foraging and may be keeping them safe from the threats of fishing. A study by an international team of scientists led by the University of ...

Paris, four other French cities ban use of pesticides

Paris and four other French cities on Thursday banned the use of synthetic pesticides within their boundaries, as an anti-chemicals movement that began in the countryside gains momentum.

Improving urban planning with Superblocks

Rising heat, noise and air pollution, and dwindling green spaces—due to climate change and population growth, cities are facing more and more challenges. How can we tackle them? "A crucial factor is urban planning. The ...

Birds prefer to live in luxury than in poor areas, study finds

A unique study of birdlife in South African cities has found that birds prefer wealthy areas to poorer ones but will move out if things get too cramped. The study was conducted by a team of scientists from the University ...

Humans and nature: The distance between the two is growing

Humans are living further and further away from nature, leading to a decline in the number of our interactions with nature. This is the finding of a meta-study conducted by a Franco-German research team at the German Centre ...

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