Technique to recover phosphorus from urine

Phosphorus, number 15 on the periodic table, can be highly toxic and flammable and has been used in warfare as an incendiary device, yet it is also essential for life.

Urban trees found to improve mental and general health

People in urban areas have a lower risk of developing psychological distress and better overall health if they have more trees within a walkable distance from their homes, a study by University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers ...

Reconnecting with nature key for sustainability

People who live in more built up areas and spend less free-time in nature are also less likely to take actions that benefit the environment, such as recycling, buying eco-friendly products, and environmental volunteering.

Solar rays could replace petroleum fuels, research shows

( -- Alternative fuel sources for cars may have a glowing future as a Kansas State University graduate student is working to replace petroleum fuels with ones made from sunlight.

Saving moths may be just as important as saving the bees

Night-time pollinators such as moths may visit just as many plants as bees, and should also be the focus of conservation and protection efforts, a new study from the University of Sheffield suggests.

All concrete, no trees: Athens ill-prepared for heatwaves

A densely-populated concrete jungle lacking in green space, Athens has become one of Europe's hottest capitals and despite its vulnerability to extreme temperatures, has failed to make environmental innovations, experts warn.

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