Do Chinese investors trust expanded audit reports?

The global financial crisis of 2007–2009 prompted calls for greater transparency in auditing processes, and since 2013, the auditors of UK-listed companies have been required to highlight key audit matters or KAMs. However, ...

Agreement reached at UN on biopiracy treaty

More than 190 nations agreed Friday on a new treaty to combat so-called biopiracy and regulate patents stemming from genetic resources such as medicinal plants, particularly ones whose uses owe a debt to traditional knowledge.

Uncertainty clouds UN talks on biopiracy treaty

UN talks to create a global treaty to combat biopiracy and the exploitation of genetic resources hung in the balance Thursday, a day before an agreement was due to be signed.

An extended critique of the EIGE Gender Equality Index

New research by staff from Social Statistics has reviewed the methodology of one of the most comprehensive indices of gender equality, the Gender Equality Index by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

Dashcam images offer insight on NYPD officer deployment

Using a deep learning computer model and a dataset containing millions of dashboard camera images from New York City rideshare drivers, Cornell Tech researchers were able to see which neighborhoods had the highest numbers ...

Altruism can make jobseekers afraid to negotiate salary

Job seekers looking to land a role with an altruistic organization may feel too guilty to ask for higher pay, according to a new study from the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin.

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