UK garden bird avian pox virus spreading

A team at the Zoological Society of London, led by Dr. Becki Lawson, is tracking an increased spread of an avian pox virus that is rapidly moving through the UK and affecting the great tits. Researchers are asking the public ...

Blue tits provide insight into climate change

( —Researchers believe that the size of birds' nests created in response to changing weather patterns may be partly to blame for reproductive failures over the last two years.

Divorce in birds is affected by their social group

Whether a pair of birds will divorce or stay together after they first breed is influenced by the social environment in which the relationship is formed, according to a new study by researchers from Oxford University.

For these birds, climate change spells a rise in fatal conflicts

Researchers have found yet another way in which climate change has been detrimental to migrating birds. As European winters have become warmer, pied flycatchers traveling from Africa over long distances to reach breeding ...

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