Landscape evolution intrinsic to ancient mountain settings

Over the last century, scientists have struggled with a lingering question in geology: Why do the structure and elevation of some mountains continue to evolve long after the tectonic forces that formed them cease?

Science, bugs team up to fight hemlock-eating pest

(AP) -- For nearly 60 years, scientists have watched helplessly as a war of bug vs. hemlock played out from Georgia to Maine. Now they've got a new weapon in their arsenal - another bug - and say the tide is turning, at ...

The ecology and economics of autumn leaves

Beyond pumpkin flavored everything, autumn is big business in some parts of the United States. And the main draw are the leaves themselves. In New England alone, tourists venturing to witness the change-in-color, a hobby ...

Research illuminates language of fireflies

A small flickering at dusk near the trees, a pinprick of light rising from the ground—fireflies bring an air of magic and wonder to long summer evenings. The twinkling conversation between beetles is commonly associated ...

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