Atmospheric dust levels are rising in the Great Plains

Got any spaces left on that 2020 bingo card? Pencil in "another Dust Bowl in the Great Plains." A study from University of Utah researchers and their colleagues finds that atmospheric dust levels are rising across the Great ...

'Flash drought' worsening across 14 Southern US states

More than 45 million people across 14 Southern states are now in the midst of what's being called a "flash drought" that's cracking farm soil, drying up ponds and raising the risk of wildfires, scientists said Thursday.

New insights on the control of dicamba-resistant kochia

Kochia is a highly invasive weed that is common in the Great Plains, where it has developed resistance to multiple herbicides. Now new dicamba-resistant strains are adding to grower worries.

Why the Great Plains has such epic weather

From 78 degrees on Tuesday to snow on Wednesday? Swings like this aren't unusual in the central United States, where weather can quickly shift from one extreme to another. That's especially true in the springtime, when conditions ...

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