Seals forage at offshore wind farms

By using sophisticated GPS tracking to monitor seals' every movement, researchers have shown for the first time that some individuals are repeatedly drawn to offshore wind farms and pipelines. Those man-made structures probably ...

As numbers of gray seals rise, so do conflicts

(AP)—Decades after gray seals were all but wiped out in New England waters, the population has rebounded so much that some frustrated residents are calling for a controlled hunt.

Sea mammals find US safe harbor

( —In 1972, a U.S. Senate committee reported, "Many of the great whales which once populated the oceans have now dwindled to the edge of extinction," due to commercial hunting. The committee also worried about ...

Study looks at gray seal impact on beach water quality

(—Scientists from the newly created Northwest Atlantic Seal Research Consortium (NASRC) are using data collected by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) to investigate whether seals may impact beach ...

Camera on Maine island streams gray seal video

A camera that records seal-pupping activities on a remote Maine island has begun live streaming in what is believed to be the first live camera installed on an East Coast seal-pupping site.

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