James Webb space telescope ISIM on 'spin cycle'

Prior to taking a new telescope into space, engineers must put the spacecraft and its instruments through a "spin cycle" test for durability to ensure they'll still work after experiencing the forces of a rocket launch. Finding ...

Another universe tugging on ours? Maybe not, researchers say

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new study from the University at Buffalo contradicts the dark flow theory, showing that exploding stars in different parts of the universe do not appear to be moving in sync. Working with data on 557 such ...

Earth's gravity revealed in unprecedented detail (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- After just two years in orbit, ESA's GOCE satellite has gathered enough data to map Earth's gravity with unrivalled precision. Scientists now have access to the most accurate model of the 'geoid' ever produced ...

Gas rich galaxies confirm prediction of modified gravity theory

(PhysOrg.com) -- Recent data for gas rich galaxies precisely match predictions of a modified theory of gravity know as MOND according to a new analysis by University of Maryland Astronomy Professor Stacy McGaugh. This -- ...

Putting the squeeze on fat cells

From fad diets to exercise programs, Americans continue to fight the battle of the bulge. Now they'll have help from recent Tel Aviv University research that has developed a new method to look at how fat cells -- which produce ...

GOCE giving new insights into Earth's gravity (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- The first global gravity model based on GOCE satellite data has been presented at ESA's Living Planet Symposium. ESA launched GOCE in March 2009 to map Earth's gravity with unprecedented accuracy and resolution.

Formation of Saturn's ring moons explained

(PhysOrg.com) -- New computer simulations based on data collected by the Cassini spacecraft mission suggest five of Saturn's moons may have been formed only 10 million years ago, and researchers in France and England think ...

GOCE satellite determines gravitational force in the Himalayas

ESA's GOCE satellite has been orbiting the Earth for more than a year and surveying its gravitational field more accurately than any instrument previously. The goal of the researchers - including German scientists at the ...

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