Neutron-star mergers illuminate the mysteries of quark matter

Neutron stars are the remnants of old stars that have run out of nuclear fuel and undergone a supernova explosion and a subsequent gravitational collapse. Although their collisions—or binary mergers—are rare, when they ...

Astronomers ask public to help find newly formed black holes

The Dutch Black Hole Consortium has launched an eight-language version of the BlackHoleFinder app that citizens all over the world can use to help identify newly formed black holes. Previously, the app was only available ...

Using small black holes to detect big black holes

An international team of astrophysicists with the participation of the University of Zurich proposes a novel method to detect pairs of the biggest black holes found at the centers of galaxies by analyzing gravitational waves ...

Can quantum particles mimic gravitational waves?

When two black holes collide, space and time shake and energy spreads out like ripples in a pond. These gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein in 1916, were observed for the first time by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave ...

New study simulates gravitational waves from failing warp drive

Imagine a spaceship driven not by engines, but by compressing the spacetime in front of it. That's the realm of science fiction, right? Well, not entirely. Physicists have been exploring the theoretical possibility of "warp ...

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