Will wide binaries be the end of MOND?

It's a fact that many of us have churned out during public engagement events that at least 50% of all stars are part of binary star systems. Some of them are simply stunning to look at; others present headaches with complex ...

Is anything absolute with relativity?

The theory of relativity is at once simple and elegant but also maddeningly nonintuitive. There's no need to get into the full guts and glory of that theory here, but there is one feature of Einstein's work that takes center ...

Gravity goes lunar: Putting LESA to the test

Looking to the not-too-distant future when the European Service Module will propel European astronauts in the Orion spacecraft to the Gateway and on to the surface of the moon, scientists and engineers are eagerly exploring ...

What's the (dark) matter with Euclid?

Currently about halfway through the Euclid simulations campaign, the key focus in the Main Control Room is the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) and spacecraft commissioning.

A strange quark matter core likely exists in neutron stars

At the end of a star's life, nuclear fusion ceases, and the resulting pressure is no longer sufficient to counteract the gravitational force. This collapse can lead to the formation of neutron stars, which are composed of ...

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