Penrose's and Hawking's early math award revisited

In 1966, it was Roger Penrose who won the prestigious Adams Prize for his essay "An analysis of the structure of space-time." The Adams Prize – named after the British mathematician John Couch Adams – is awarded each ...

Cyanoacetylene in IC 342

Star formation is an incredible process, but also notoriously difficult to trace. The reason is that the main constituent of stars, hydrogen, looks about the same well before a gravitational collapse begins, as it does in ...

New virtual laboratory for merging neutron stars

For the first time, a high-performance computer will make it possible to simulate gravitational waves, magnetic fields and neutrino physics of neutron stars simultaneously.

Seeking the earliest galaxies with cosmic telescopes

(—With a recent NSF award, UA scientists will use galaxy clusters as astronomical lenses to peer farther into the depths of space than any manmade telescope is capable of viewing - to the time when the universe's ...

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