What's the upside of feeling too sad for chocolate?

The instant gratification and the pleasure derived from consuming excessive chocolate and deep-fried foods can lead way to a double-edged sword of negative consequences ranging from weight gain to feelings of low self-esteem. ...

Memo to big box retailers: Goodwill has a shelf life

Big box retailers may have had the secret to combatting online retailers all along: instant gratification. A new study from Columbia Business School that is published in the Journal of Consumer Research warns that the positive ...

News websites should target 'reward seekers,' researcher finds

As newspaper sales continue to decline, many news organizations are searching for ways to improve readership and revenues from their online presences. Now, University of Missouri researchers have found that news organizations ...

Key to Netflix's future: better recommendations

(AP) -- Netflix executives John Ciancutti and Todd Yellin are trying to create a video-recommendation system that knows you better than an old friend. It's a critical mission as Netflix faces pressure from its Internet video ...

Music in the digital age

The evo­lu­tion of tech­nology has changed the way we listen to our favorite songs and interact with music. Apple, for example, recently announced plans to launch a custom-​​radio ser­vice. Pop star Justin Bieber ...

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