Related topics: climate change

Burning invasive juniper trees boosts perennial grass recovery

Controlling juniper trees by cutting them down and burning them where they fall keeps invasive cheatgrass at bay and allows native perennials to become re-established, according to findings by U.S. Department of Agriculture ...

Rats damage huge swathes of China's grasslands

A plague of rats has gobbled up vast swathes of grasslands in north China, sparking a mass extermination drive amid concerns for herders, state media said Thursday.

Researchers find that rare lady beetles prefer traditional diet

( -- Experts from South Dakota State University and the nearby North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory watched helplessly as a colony of rare, captive lady beetles was lost in 2008, then teetered on the ...

Study: Grass, fungus combination affects ecology

The popular forage and turf grass called tall fescue covers a vast amount of land in the U.S. -- an area that's estimated to be larger than Virginia and Maryland combined -- and a new study by ecologists at Rice University ...

Destruction spreads 'like a disease'

( -- People have cleared more than a quarter of the world’s forests and half of its grasslands, according to a paper published today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society by researchers from The University ...

Time-Tunneling for Climate Change Clues

( -- If you look closely at individual plant species' responses in the past, you may find that the largest effects of high carbon dioxide (CO2) levels occurred decades ago, according to Agricultural Research Service ...

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