Three reasons we use graphic novels to teach math and physics

Post-pandemic, some educators are trying to reengage students with technology—like videos, computer gaming or artificial intelligence, just to name a few. But integrating these approaches in the classroom can be an uphill ...

A device attempts to elevate the iPad's keyboard

Even if you love the iPad, you're probably not keen to write your next novel using its on-screen virtual keyboard. You may not be thrilled to type up a lengthy email with it, either.

Texas Tech Librarian 'Proves' Existence of Spider-Man

Yes, Mary Jane, there is a Spider-Man. At least, that’s what pop-culture guru and associate humanities librarian for Texas Tech University Libraries Rob Weiner set out to prove in an article published in the International ...

My kid won't read chapter books. What do I do?

Many children start school excited about learning to read. And parents too! After many years of reading and re-reading (seemingly ad nauseam) favorite picture books aloud, it's thrilling to see your child develop their own ...

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