Engineers find a simple yet clever way to boost chip speeds

A typical computer chip includes millions of transistors connected with an extensive network of copper wires. Although chip wires are unimaginably short and thin compared to household wires both have one thing in common: ...

2-D nitrogenated crystals new potential rival for graphene

Researchers in South Korea have, for the first time, developed a simple technique to produce a two-dimensional nitrogen-containing crystal that has the capacity to be a potential rival to graphene and silicon as semi-conductor ...

Graphene circuit ready for wireless

( —IBM researchers have built the world's most advanced fully functional integrated circuit made of wafer-scale graphene – a novel semiconductor material that has the potential to improve today's wireless devices ...

Research could bring new devices that control heat flow

( —Researchers are proposing a new technology that might control the flow of heat the way electronic devices control electrical current, an advance that could have applications in a diverse range of fields from ...

What can happen when graphene meets a semiconductor

For all the promise of graphene as a material for next-generation electronics and quantum computing, scientists still don't know enough about this high-performance conductor to effectively control an electric current.

Scientists use DNA to assemble a transistor from graphene

( —Graphene is a sheet of carbon atoms arrayed in a honeycomb pattern, just a single atom thick. It could be a better semiconductor than silicon – if we could fashion it into ribbons 20 to 50 atoms wide. Could ...

Research boosts understanding of nano-carbon in photodetectors

As modern electronic devices get ever smaller, the age of silicon transistors is going by the wayside. Tomorrow's electronics—such as photovoltaic panels, transparent conductors, capacitors, transistors and photodetectors—are ...

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