Rapid, high-definition chemistry with new imaging technique

With intensity a million times brighter than sunlight, a new synchrotron-based imaging technique offers high-resolution pictures of the molecular composition of tissues with unprecedented speed and quality. Carol Hirschmugl, ...

Graphene may hold key to speeding up DNA sequencing

September 9, 2010 - In a paper published as the cover story of the September 9, 2010 Nature, researchers from Harvard University and MIT have demonstrated that graphene, a surprisingly robust planar sheet of carbon just one-atom ...

Berkeley Lab Scientists Create 'Molecular Paper' (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Berkeley Lab scientists have created "molecular paper," the largest two-dimensional polymer crystal self-assembled in water to date. This entirely new sheet material is made of peptoids, engineered polymers ...

Ice Gets Bent Out of Shape

For the first time, scientists have built completely flat, two-layer ice. While theoreticians have predicted that such ices are formed by squeezing water molecules between two surfaces, scientists at Pacific Northwest National ...

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