Silver surfers forgotten in social media boom

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are an almost ubiquitous part of most young people's lives after just a few years of existence. But the enthusiasm with which they have been adopted by this group has not ...

Skype makes monsters of us all

When God saw that our egos needed deflating, he invented Skype. Skype is the 21st-century invention that sci-fi movies had been predicting for decades: phonavision. Actually it's "computavision," with a tiny camera at the ...

More grandparents fill caregiver role

Grandparents, an increasingly important source of child care in the United States, vary greatly in the kind of care they provide, depending on their age, resources, and the needs of their children, research at the University ...

Keeping the faith through souvenirs

Although it may not seem like much, the small wooden figurine Grandma brought back from the Holy Land has been blessed. She gives the souvenir to her grandchildren knowing she has done her job: deliver God into their lives.

Family composition determines success of great tit parents

Great tits who have as many sons as daughters acquire more grandchildren than great tits with an uneven family composition. That is because their children are reproductively more successful concludes NWO researcher Reinder ...

Playtime helps bind generations

A new study has confirmed an old adage: A family that plays together stays together. Researchers from Concordia University and Wilfrid Laurier University examined the ways grandparents can maintain close ties with their adult ...

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