Obama to sign education law rewrite; power shift to states

With his signature Thursday, President Barack Obama is setting the nation's public schools on a sweeping new course of accountability that will change the way teachers are evaluated and how the poorest performing schools ...

College labor market still in high gear

The job market for college graduates is poised for a third straight year of explosive growth, as companies in most industries seek new talent, according to the largest annual survey of U.S. employers.

Study gives more accurate picture of value of college education

A new study that is the first to use Social Security Administration's personal income tax data tracking the same individuals over 20 years to measure individual lifetime earnings has confirmed significant long-term economic ...

Small high school reform boosts districtwide outcomes

Creating small high schools improves outcomes for students in the overall school district - both in new small schools and existing larger schools - according to a study of New York City schools by researchers at New York ...

We must defend science if we want a prosperous future

Today's Australians are, by far, the best educated cohort in our history –- on paper, anyway -– but this is not reflected in the quality of our political discourse. We appear to be lacking in courage, judgement, capacity ...

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