Research sheds light on new employees

( -- Starting a new job is never easy. However, research by Victoria University graduate Dr Sarah Burke shows that not only does an organisation need to help new employees assimilate into the environment, but ...

Survey finds horticulture grads prepared for green jobs

Professors Ann Marie VanDerZanden and Michael Reinert of Iowa State University (ISU) wanted to find out how their recent Department of Horticulture graduates were faring in the workplace. To learn more about their former ...

Immigrant Blacks More Likely to Attend Elite Colleges

A larger proportion of immigrant black high school graduates attend selective colleges and universities than both native black and white students in America, according to a study by sociologists at Johns Hopkins University ...

Lawyer: Song swapper on trial doing `what kids do'

(AP) -- A Boston University graduate student was "a kid who did what kids do" when he swapped songs through file-sharing networks like Kazaa, his lawyer said Tuesday as his copyright-infringement trial began.

New data show jump in science and engineering graduate study

New data show that enrollment in U.S. science and engineering (S&E) graduate programs in 2007 grew 3.3 percent over comparable data for 2006--the highest year-over-year increase since 2002 and nearly double the 1.7 percent ...

Undocumented students face barriers to higher education

( -- New research released by the College Board shows that because of financial barriers and exclusion from the legal workforce, only a fraction of undocumented high school graduates go on to college. The board ...

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