Background no barrier to finding jobs

A new study that examines labour market outcomes of more than 10,700 disadvantaged Australian university graduates has found graduates from low socio-economic backgrounds and regional and remote areas have employment outcomes ...

Obama to sign education law rewrite; power shift to states

With his signature Thursday, President Barack Obama is setting the nation's public schools on a sweeping new course of accountability that will change the way teachers are evaluated and how the poorest performing schools ...

We must defend science if we want a prosperous future

Today's Australians are, by far, the best educated cohort in our history –- on paper, anyway -– but this is not reflected in the quality of our political discourse. We appear to be lacking in courage, judgement, capacity ...

Trend-starting Texas drops algebra II mandate

Texas started a trend by making most of its high school students tackle algebra II. But eight years later, the state often watched for education policy is abandoning the requirement.

Women confront obstacles to practice science and technology

Women represent almost half of the students at any grade, but when graduation comes and they start to join the work force, the percentage decreases. Aiming to establish synergies to compel and evaluate public policy regarding ...

Tightest job market ever for China's college grads

(AP)—Chemistry student Jiang Wenying graduated three years ago and decided the job market was so tough she might as well go back to school for a graduate degree. Now she's finding it even worse, in what looks to be China's ...

Challenging the public's view of gender and science

According to She Figures 2012, which analyses gender equality in research, in 2010 women accounted for only 10 % of university rectors in Europe and 15.5 % were heads of institutions of the higher education sector. Although, ...

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