Parent input ignored in school closings

Officials who close neighborhood schools in poor, urban areas often ignore parents' input, which only reinforces the "institutionalized racism that plagues U.S. schools," a Michigan State University scholar argues.

Graduate glut spells underused skills and dissatisfaction for many

Graduates are taking up jobs that don't fully use their skills and as a result are causing high turnover for employers, claims new research published today in the journal Human Relations, published by SAGE. The findings raise ...

EU looks to hi-tech sector for jobs

Even with unemployment at record highs, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs available in information technology that governments and companies must work together to fill, the European Commission said Monday.

New study predicts extreme climate in Eastern US

From extreme drought to super storms, many wonder what the future holds for the climate of the eastern United States. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, does away with the guessing.

Need to move soon? Don't trust your emotions

Consumers are more likely to make emotional instead of objective assessments when the outcomes are closer to the present time than when they are further away in the future, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer ...

Mobile news gains across generations, survey finds

Americans of all ages are increasingly using mobile devices for news, with many boosting their media consumption rather than just shifting from print sources, a survey showed Tuesday.

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