NASA to launch smartphone-operated nanosatellites

NASA is relying on a small team of engineers at its Ames Research Center at California's Moffett Field to develop three nanosatellites operated by smartphones.

Shear layers in solar winds affect Earth's magnetosphere

Human society is increasingly reliant on technology that can be disrupted by space weather. For instance, geomagnetic storms can cause high-latitude air flights to be rerouted, costing as much as $100,000 per flight; induce ...

'Spoofed' GPS signals can be countered, researchers show

( -- From cars to commercial airplanes to military drones, global positioning system (GPS) technology is everywhere -- and Cornell researchers have known for years that it can be hacked, or as they call it, "spoofed." ...

GPS technology improves weather forecasting

( -- The satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS) technology that guides modern in-car navigation systems is now being used to improve weather forecasts.

SpaceX capsule completes first tests before ISS docking

The Dragon space capsule, which has launched a new era of commercial spaceflight, completed its first tests before its scheduled docking at the International Space Station, NASA said Wednesday.

Rapid tsunami warning by means of GPS

For submarine earthquakes that can generate tsunamis, the warning time for nearby coastal areas is very short. Using high-precision analysis of GPS data from the Fukushima earthquake of 11 March 2011, scientists at the German ...

NASA tests GPS monitoring system for big U.S. quakes

( -- The space-based technology that lets GPS-equipped motorists constantly update their precise location will undergo a major test of its ability to rapidly pinpoint the location and magnitude of strong earthquakes ...

In the Greek isles, a volcano has awakened

In 1650 B.C.E., a series of massive volcanic eruptions decimated the ancient seafaring Minoan civilization. Over the next 4 millennia, the largely subaquatic Santorini caldera had a series of smaller eruptions, with five ...

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