Explainer: what is GPS?

It's a device used widely in cars, on smartphones and in fitness devices. But what exactly is GPS, and how is it able to pinpoint our exact location anywhere on Earth?

LEON: The space chip that Europe built

(Phys.org)—Just like home computers, the sophisticated capabilities of today's space missions are made possible by the power of their processor chips. ESA's coming Alphasat telecom satellite, the Proba-V microsatellite, ...

Microsoft Research does Cloud-Offloaded GPS

(Phys.org)—GPS reduces battery life in a smartphone or tablet, a problem that has challenged a team led by principal researcher Jie Liu at Microsoft Research. Liu has said in the past that sensing and energy are emerging ...

Speeding algorithms by shrinking data

In computer science, the buzzword of the day is "big data." The proliferation of cheap, Internet-connected sensors—such as the GPS receivers, accelerometers and cameras in smartphones—has meant an explosion of information ...

NASA to launch smartphone-operated nanosatellites

NASA is relying on a small team of engineers at its Ames Research Center at California's Moffett Field to develop three nanosatellites operated by smartphones.

Navigating the shopping center

With a GPS receiver in your smartphone, you can navigate your way over highways and streets with certainty. But once you get inside a building, it provides no further assistance. That’s why Fraunhofer researchers, together ...

Analyzing energy potential

Sensors, radio transmitters and GPS modules all feature low power consumption. All it takes is a few milliwatts to run them. Energy from the environment - from sources such as light or vibrations - may be enough to meet these ...

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