New technique helps robotic vehicles find their way

( —A Wayne State University researcher understands that the three most important things about real estate also apply to small ground robotic vehicles: location, location, location.

Navigating the shopping center

With a GPS receiver in your smartphone, you can navigate your way over highways and streets with certainty. But once you get inside a building, it provides no further assistance. That’s why Fraunhofer researchers, together ...

Air Force: Tests didn't include troubled GPS unit

(AP) -- The Air Force says it performed no advance testing on the specific type of military GPS receiver that had problems picking up locator signals after a change in ground-control software.

Cruising high seas, engineers detect fake GPS signals

Cruising the Mediterranean aboard a superyacht, a Cornell professor and grad student took their Global Positioning System (GPS) research to the high seas. For four days in late June, they tested the newest version of their ...

LEON: The space chip that Europe built

(—Just like home computers, the sophisticated capabilities of today's space missions are made possible by the power of their processor chips. ESA's coming Alphasat telecom satellite, the Proba-V microsatellite, ...

Seeing stars, Proba-2 platform passes its first health check

( -- Into its second week in orbit, Proba-2's spacecraft platform has proven to be in excellent health. This leaves the way clear for commissioning the many new technology payloads aboard the mini-satellite, among ...

NASA uses GPS to find Sierra water weight

( —For the first time, NASA scientists have used GPS to find the total weight of winter snowpack and soil moisture in California's Sierra Nevada. The new results complement other satellite measurements and could ...

Experiment aboard space station studies 'space weather'

The weather here on Earth has been a little strange this winter – 60-degree days, followed by blinding snow, only to be followed by 50s and rain – but for Steven Powell, the weather he's interested in can't be felt by ...

Sharper GPS needs even more accurate atomic clocks

The GPS network might just be Earth's greatest piece of infrastructure. It's effectively a collection of clocks in space that serve up time information 24/7 free of charge to anyone on the planet who cares to listen.

Easy prey for hackers—navigation systems

When it comes to route planning, drivers have almost blind faith in GPS; the technology plays a crucial role in identifying location and time in the industry as well as in other areas. If hackers attack the system, they can ...

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