A new measure of segregation

Segregation, as history and modern times have shown, plays a profound role in social and economic outcomes.

How dashcams help and hinder forensics

Dashcams are vital for helping police investigate car incidents, however the way the footage is submitted to police, managed and processed can cause problems. A researcher at WMG, University of Warwick has assessed seven ...

Rare 'itinerant breeding' behavior revealed in California bird

Reproduction and migration are the two most demanding tasks in a bird's life, and the vast majority of species separate them into different times of the year. Only two bird species have been shown to undertake what scientists ...

Deere puts spotlight on high-tech farming

It has GPS, lasers, computer vision, and uses machine learning and sensors to be more efficient. This is the new high-tech farm equipment from John Deere, which made its first Consumer Electronics Show appearance this week ...

How cheetahs find each other after separation

In the first study to track the detailed movements of cheetahs in a coalition, researchers from the Royal Veterinary College, UK, and Cheetah Conservation Botswana explored how the cats meet up again after becoming separated.

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