Elon Musk talks cars—and humanity's fate—with governors

Tesla CEO Elon Musk warned a bipartisan gathering of U.S. governors on Saturday that government regulation of artificial intelligence is needed because it's a "fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization."

Republicans top Democrats with Facebook fans

Republicans will have to wait until Tuesday to find out if they make the big gains many expect in the US Congress but they have already beaten the Democrats in another arena -- Facebook.

Study finds governor’s budget would cost jobs, economic output

(PhysOrg.com) -- California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s cuts-only approach to balancing the state budget will leave deep economic scars, according to a new report by UC Berkeley labor researchers. But it adds that balancing ...

State govs saying 'No thanks' to mystery laptops

(AP) -- Even during tight budgetary times, a growing handful of state governors are proving too wary to accept laptop computers that have shown up at their offices this month, unsolicited.

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