Global netizens see worrying trend in US spying

Revelations that the U.S. government has been snooping on Internet users worldwide failed to shock global netizens, who say they've already given up on expectations of online privacy in the face of growing surveillance from ...

Tech bugs plague federal projects

t was an ambitious federal technology project, tying together a string of government databases in one Web portal. But the launch was a giant mess: contract missteps, broken deadlines, cost overruns. Users complained the site ...

Rensselaer team shows how to analyze raw government data

Who is the White House’s most frequent visitor? Which White House staffer has the most visitors? How do smoking quit rates, state by state, relate to unemployment, taxes, and violent crimes? How do politics influence ...

Web 'blackout' in Malaysia to protest law

Malaysian NGOs, well-known bloggers and opposition politicians on Tuesday staged a one-day "Internet blackout" to protest a legal amendment that they say threatens free expression on the Web.

China web users surge to 618 million

The number of web users in China has surged to 618 million, a government agency said Thursday, underscoring the rapid growth of online connectivity in the country with the world's largest Internet population.

US tech firms fight spying, protect interests (Update)

Even as Silicon Valley's technology companies speak out against the U.S. government's surveillance methods, they are turning a handsome profit by mining personal data and peering into people's online habits.

Web founder calls for Internet bill of rights

A bill of rights should be created to govern the Internet in the wake of revelations about the depth of government surveillance, the inventor of the World Wide Web said on Wednesday.

China's main microblog restricts user posts

China's best-known microblogging site has introduced new terms and conditions punishing those who post comments deemed offensive, as it comes under government pressure to clamp down on bloggers.

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