Wyo. turns to Google for gov't computing services

(AP) -- Wyoming has become the first state to begin using a suite of cloud computing tools from Google for its entire executive branch of government, allowing data and applications to be stored on remote servers and accessed ...

Hackers attack Malaysian government websites (Update)

Hackers have disrupted Malaysian government websites, authorities said Thursday, following threats by anti-censorship "Anonymous" activists and a cyberattack on the CIA by an allied group.

Google 'applying for China mapping licence'

Google and its joint venture partner in China have applied for a licence to operate an online mapping service in the world's biggest web market, a news report said on Tuesday.

US Secret Service takes to Twitter

The US Secret Service, renowned for the sharp suited agents protecting the US president, made its debut on Twitter on Monday, saying the micro-blogging site could help recruiting.

South Korean websites come under further attack

(AP) -- Unidentified attackers targeted more than two dozen South Korean government and private websites Saturday, a day after two waves of similar attacks, but officials reported no serious damage.

Comcast, NBC deal opens door for online video

New Internet video services from companies such as Netflix and Apple are offering a glimpse of a home entertainment future that doesn't include a pricey monthly cable bill.

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