China Internet hit by 'largest ever' attack

China has been hit by the "largest ever" attack on its Internet structure, crashing the country's .cn servers, according to a government-linked agency.

German spy service plans 'more online surveillance'

Germany's foreign intelligence service plans a major expansion of Internet surveillance despite deep unease over revelations of US online spying, Der Spiegel news weekly reported on Sunday.

Cyber attack targets Dutch government websites

Dutch government websites were paralysed for several hours overnight after a mass cyber attack which targeted several ministerial sites, a spokesman said on Wednesday.

UK deputy leader: Surveillance bill won't happen

A mass Internet monitoring program touted by Britain's government as a terror-fighting tool is unworkable, the country's deputy leader said Thursday, vowing that it would not become law.

German top court orders changes to 'terror' database

Germany's top court on Wednesday allowed a central security database aimed at keeping track of violent extremists to stand but said lawmakers must bolster its civil rights protections.

Yahoo China to end email service

Yahoo's China arm will shut down its email service later this year, state media reported Friday, in a move illustrating the brand's diminishing profile in the country.

USDA starts new program to track farm animals

(AP)—The federal government has started a new livestock identification program to help agriculture officials quickly track livestock in cases of disease.

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