India can monitor BlackBerry without codes: report

India has found a way to monitor BlackBerry corporate emails without asking developer Research in Motion (RIM) to hand over encryption codes a report said Wednesday, which could help end a standoff with the Canadian company.

Technology convergence may widen the digital divide

( -- Technology is helping communication companies merge telephone, television and Internet services, but a push to deregulate may leave some customers on the wrong side of the digital divide during this convergence, ...

Poland seeks competitive edge through new technology

Poland, which is expected to post the European Union's highest growth this year, is hoping to further boost its competitive edge by investing in new technology, the country's e-government czar said Wednesday.

British interior ministry probes website attack

Britain's Home Office interior ministry said Saturday it was investigating reports that hacking group Anonymous had attacked its website over the government's plans to boost Internet surveillance.

Oracle's fiscal 3Q to provide gauge on technology

Oracle's latest quarterly earnings should provide a peak at just how confident companies have become in the economy by their willingness to spend money on new technology.

Wanted: Censor for Pakistan's Internet

(AP) -- Pakistan is advertising for companies to install an Internet filtering system that could block up to 50 million Web addresses, alarming free speech activists who fear current censorship could become much more widespread.

List of targets of arrested computer hackers

The five computer hackers charged in New York on Tuesday and a sixth who pleaded guilty are accused of involvement in some of the most notorious hacking incidents of the past 18 months.

Maryland Commission recommends 'common sense' immigration policy

Immigrants to Maryland contribute significantly to the state's economy, and were vital to its workforce expansion in both technical and less-skilled occupations from 2000 to 2010, concludes a new report by a Maryland commission. ...

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