India: French submarine data leak no security threat

India said Wednesday that the leak of documents from a leading French builder of Scorpene submarines designed for India's navy was investigated and did not pose any security compromise because sensitive information was blacked ...

Report of British hacking raises hackles abroad

A newspaper report that British eavesdropping agency GCHQ repeatedly hacked into foreign diplomats' phones and emails has prompted an angry response from traditional rival Russia and provoked demands for an investigation ...

3Qs:The evolution of whistleblowing

The leak of classified government documents last week revealed the existence of a massive National Security Administration program of bulk surveillance in which telecommunication and Internet companies are providing the government ...

Scientist who saw drowned polar bears reprimanded

(AP)—An Alaska scientist whose observations of drowned polar bears helped galvanize the global warming movement has been reprimanded for improper release of government documents.

Her majesty's secret

One of the greatest cliches uttered about her majesty Queen Elizabeth II is that in 60 years of reigning over us, "she has never put a foot wrong". This may well be true, but how do we know? What do we really know about how ...

US did not seek WikiLeaks cutoff: Clinton

The United States did not pressure private companies to deny service to WikiLeaks following its release of secret US diplomatic cables, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday.

Stanford helps to digitally preserve mountains of documents

Each year, the U.S. Government Printing Office publishes mountains of paper documents, everything from the Congressional Record to Government Accountability Office reports. But that's only a fraction of its output nowadays. ...

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