Experts expect compromise to avoid fallout from the 'fiscal cliff'

(—The image of a "fiscal cliff" may give the wrong impression of the potential fallout should Congress fail to take action by the end of the year on the Budget Control Act. Iowa State economist Dave Swenson described ...

BP banned from US government contracts

British oil giant BP was temporarily banned by the US Environmental Protection Agency from US government contracts Wednesday due to its behavior in the April 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.

Huawei row shines light on East-West culture clash

US security fears over two China telecom firms have spotlighted Western suspicions Chinese companies are state-influenced, a culture clash analysts say could loom larger as the country's businesses look overseas.

Senator: Employers shouldn't seek site passwords

(AP) -- A Democratic senator from Connecticut is writing a bill that would stop the practice of employers asking job applicants for their Facebook or other social media passwords, he told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Rare economic espionage case going to trial

(AP) -- Two men accused of stealing computer chip blueprints - and trying to tap the Chinese government to help launch a startup built on the contraband - are becoming the first defendants charged with economic espionage ...

US files complaint against EMC

The US Justice Department announced that it has filed a complaint against EMC Corp. over contracts the information management and storage giant secured with the US government.

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