Funding challenges for Orion and SLS

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is the audit, evaluation, and investigative arm of Congress, which exists to support Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and ...

Top pilot sees risk in unregulated US drones

Small drones pose a danger in US skies so long as clear rules governing their operation are not in place, the head of the world's biggest pilots' union said Wednesday.

Congress told US lags other nations on drones

Commercial drone flights are taking off in other countries while the U.S. lags behind in developing safety regulations that would permit unmanned aircraft operations by a wide array of industries, witnesses told a House panel ...

Tech bugs plague federal projects

t was an ambitious federal technology project, tying together a string of government databases in one Web portal. But the launch was a giant mess: contract missteps, broken deadlines, cost overruns. Users complained the site ...

Amazon shifted strategy in pursuit of CIA contract

It was a contract that's business-technology group wasn't supposed to get. The CIA, an organization whose data is among the most protected in the world, asked for bids last year on a contract to provide the agency ...

After insulin pump hacking, lawmakers seek review

(AP) -- Two lawmakers are requesting a review of the government's security standards for wireless medical devices after a diabetic discovered how to remotely reprogram his and other people's insulin pumps.

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