Google replants its garage roots in tech workshops

Amid all the free food and other goodies that come with a job at Google Inc., there's one benefit a lot of employees don't even know about: a cluster of high-tech workshops that have become a tinkerer's paradise.

'Tasks' software is Gmail Labs first graduate

Google Labs brainchild "Tasks" graduated from the sandbox on Tuesday as the Internet giant seeks to entice computer users to switch from packaged software to programs offered online as services.

Google launches rare ad campaign to sell more apps

(AP) -- Google Inc. is so well known that it has become a synonym for search, making advertising unnecessary. Getting businesses to buy Google's online suite of office applications requires a little more elbow grease and ...

Switch to daylight saving time leads to cyberloafing at the office

(Medical Xpress) -- The annual shift to daylight saving time and its accompanying loss of sleep cause employees to spend more time than normal surfing the Web for content unrelated to their work, resulting in potentially ...

Smart home unit Nest is spun back into Google

Google is taking back Nest, the smart home unit of parent firm Alphabet, as part of an effort by the tech giant to battle rivals like Amazon and its Alexa digital assistant.

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