Microbial production of a natural red colorant carminic acid

A research group at KAIST has engineered a bacterium capable of producing a natural red colorant, carminic acid, which is widely used for food and cosmetics. The research team reported the complete biosynthesis of carminic ...

How can we mitigate the impacts of dust storms?

Over the last month, parts of Europe were hit by intense dust storms. First, a massive dust plume that originated in northeast Algeria caused reddish skies in large parts of Europe. Then, dust deposits tinted the snow-covered ...

Can narcissistic managers fake that they care?

Relationships at work matter greatly to our well-being, and perhaps no work relationship affects us more strongly than the one we have with our manager. In fact, people who leave their job frequently report that their manager ...

Why tackling malnutrition is key to women's empowerment

Disruptions to food and health systems because of COVID-19 are causing rates of malnutrition to rise substantially. Experts predict that severe hunger around the worldwill more than double over the course of the pandemicand ...

Bacteria and viruses: A network of intestinal relationships

The balance of human intestinal microbiota, consisting of hundreds of bacterial species and phages (bacteria viruses), is crucial to good health. A research team, including scientists from the CNRS and the Institut Pasteur, ...

What urban nature really means for insect biodiversity

Parks and green spaces in cities provide health and wellness benefits to human inhabitants, but they're not necessarily beneficial for other urban dwellers—like insects. Researchers are investigating urban biodiversity ...

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