Can golf courses help save the planet? Ask a herd of wild pigs

An Arizona golf course, so picture-perfect it was described as "the Imax of golf", was wantonly trashed by intruders in the autumn of 2023. But no, this was not Just Stop Oil back for another round, nor the result of a disgruntled ...

Examining US golf courses' nutrient use and management tactics

Nutrient use on United States golf courses increases management costs and has the potential to influence ecosystems. Therefore, assessing nutrient use and management practices is critical to developing and teaching the best ...

Drought tightens its grip on Morocco

Mohamed gave up farming because of successive droughts that have hit his previously fertile but isolated village in Morocco and because he just couldn't bear it any longer.

Drought forces water use rethink in Spain

Faced with a historic drought and threatened by desertification, Spain is rethinking how it spends its water resources, which are used mainly to irrigate crops.

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