How gold can recycle biofuel waste into useful additive

Gold nanoparticles serve as catalysts for obtaining valuable chemical products based on glycerol. Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University and their international colleagues are developing gold catalysts to recycle one ...

Safe and inexpensive hydrogen production as a future energy source

Hydrogen gas is a promising alternative energy source to overcome our reliance on carbon-based fuels, and has the benefit of producing only water when it is reacted with oxygen. However, hydrogen is highly reactive and flammable, ...

Pentagonal nanorods show catalytic promise

Pentagonal nanorods have a unique morphology that confers interesting compositional and shape-dependent properties—including excellent stability and high catalytic activity—that make them excellent candidates for industrial ...

Scientists discover gold's hidden value

( —Scientists from Cardiff are discovering new and unexpected uses for gold – a noble metal traditionally regarded as being chemically uninteresting due to its poor ability to react with other substances.

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