Higgs boson provides a musical spin

A decades-long quest for the elusive Higgs boson has sparked a creative rush in music, with compositions ranging from a-capella and rap to a hypnotic symphony.

Keeping the faith through souvenirs

Although it may not seem like much, the small wooden figurine Grandma brought back from the Holy Land has been blessed. She gives the souvenir to her grandchildren knowing she has done her job: deliver God into their lives.

New vigour in quest for Higgs boson

Heartened by a glimpse of what may be the Higgs boson, scientists at the CERN physics lab are smashing particles with new vigour in a quest to understand why matter has mass and other riddles of the natural universe.

Why Pakistan abandoned its Nobel laureate

The two-room bungalow, the birth place of Pakistan's only Nobel laureate, today stands empty, testament to the indifference, bigotry and prejudice surrounding the country's greatest scientist.

India: Enough about Higgs, let's discuss the boson

(AP) — While much of the world was celebrating the international cooperation that led to last week's breakthrough in identifying the existence of the Higgs boson particle, many in India were smarting over what they saw ...

'God particle' a gateway to new vision of universe

Physicists said Thursday the potential discovery of the "God particle" was a gateway to a new era that could see humanity unlock some of the universe's great mysteries including dark matter.

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