How climate change limits educational access

The effects of climate change can creep into nearly every aspect of life in heavy-hit areas. They may even limit children's access to education, says Nicholas School of the Environment graduate Heather Randell.

World hunger is increasing thanks to wars and climate change

Around the globe, about 815 million people – 11 percent of the world's population – went hungry in 2016, according to the latest data from the United Nations. This was the first increase in more than 15 years.

The Mediterranean Sea: incomparable wealth in steep decline

Along its 46,000km coastline, the Mediterranean Sea supports around 150 million people living along its shores. The report Reviving the Economy of the Mediterranean Sea: Actions for a sustainable future, launched today, shows ...

Life differences make women less risk tolerant when investing

Prior research has long shown that women are, on average, less risk tolerant in their financial decisions than men. This is a concern as investors with low levels of risk tolerance might have greater difficulty reaching their ...

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