A new set of targets to protect the natural world

Science and scientists are converging around the knowledge that our planet, with us in the driver's seat, is moving into the Anthropocene. This is a new geological epoch in which humanity's actions are changing the face of ...

Increasing opportunities for sustainable behavior

To mitigate climate change and safeguard ecosystems, we need to make drastic changes in our consumption and transport behaviors. A new IIASA study shows how even minor changes to available infrastructure can trigger tipping ...

Integrated solutions for the Indus Basin

A new integrated modeling framework could help the Indus Basin region find solutions to water resource challenges and interconnected sustainable development goals. The new framework, described in a perspective article published ...

Ants: Jam-free traffic champions

Whether they occur on holiday routes or the daily commute, traffic jams affect cars as well as pedestrians. Scientists at the Research Center on Animal Cognition (CNRS/Université Toulouse III—Paul Sabatier) and the University ...

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