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Explaining genetic modification research

What do bananas and cavoodles have in common? They're both lovely, yellowy and have been produced by genetic manipulation.

Every mainland Australian state now allows GMO crops

On July 1, the New South Wales government will lift a ban on genetically modified (GM) crops after an 18-year moratorium. It will mean GM crops can now be grown in every Australian state except Tasmania.

Kenya backs farming of Monsanto-created GM crop

Kenya has approved the cultivation a GM variety strand created by Monsanto, the president's office said, the first time such crops have been allowed in the dynamic East African economy.

Bayer admits Monsanto may have other 'watch lists'

German chemical giants Bayer admitted Monday its subsidiary Monsanto could have kept lists of key figures—for or against pesticides—"in other European countries", and not just in France.

Maternal instincts don't explain the gender gap on GM foods

Studies have found that women are more skeptical of genetically modified (GM) foods than men, but little research has been done on what's responsible for that gender gap. Conventional wisdom has been that maternal instincts ...

Anti-GMO sentiment has repercussions for developing world

Anti-GMO sentiment holds back agricultural advancement in the developing world, but an Iowa State University agronomist hopes his research will clarify the scientific consensus and spark wider acceptance of the technology ...

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