Plant DNA in blood samples no cause for concern

If you believe this article from Collective Evolution, a site that claims to be "one of the worlds most popular alternative media company", there is currently DNA from genetically modified plants floating in your blood that ...

Designer wheat fails anti-aphid field test

The scientific quest for pest-resistant crops suffered a blow Thursday when disappointed British researchers announced their designer wheat failed to repel aphids in the field.

Bioluminescent technology for easy tracking of GMO

It is important to be able to monitor genetically modified (GM) crops, not only in the field but also during the food processing chain. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Biotechnology shows ...

Improving half the world's diet

The humble rice grain is the staple food for billions of people throughout the developing world, but there is little nutritional value in the grain beyond providing carbohydrates for energy.

World's richest men aid 'Green Revolution' center

(AP)—The research center largely responsible for launching the "green revolution" of the 1960s that dramatically raised crop yields is getting support from the world's richest men to develop genetically-modified seeds to ...

Plant scientists call for rethink of GM crop regulation

In a report to the Council for Science and Technology, which advises the Prime Minister on science policy, the scientists warn that unless GM crops are regulated at national, rather than at EU level, European agriculture ...

GM cuts jobs in response to present costs, future innovation

Even though unemployment is low, the economy is growing and U.S. auto sales are near historic highs, General Motors is cutting thousands of jobs in a major restructuring aimed at generating cash to spend on innovation.

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