Related topics: neurotransmitter

Seasonal regulation in the bean bug brain's biological clock

Not only does organism's body have a biological clock that can tell the time of the day, it can also tell the time of the year. Researchers from Japan have found that one capable little molecule may be behind the mechanism ...

Fix, not fight: Scientists help plants regenerate after injury

After injury, plants make a trade-off between repairing damaged tissue and ramping up their defenses, according to a new study led by researchers in New York University's Center for Genomics and Systems Biology and published ...

Biomolecule metal-organic hybrids with high bioactivity

Biomacromolecules incorporated into tailored metal–organic frameworks using peptide modulators are well shielded but highly active thanks to carefully tuned nanoarchitecture. As scientists report in the journal Angewandte ...

Fitting a right hand in a left-handed mitten

Many biomolecules come in two versions that are each other's mirror image, like a left and a right hand. Cells generally use the left-hand version of amino acids to produce proteins, and uptake mechanisms were thought to ...

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