Related topics: neurotransmitter

Fitting a right hand in a left-handed mitten

Many biomolecules come in two versions that are each other's mirror image, like a left and a right hand. Cells generally use the left-hand version of amino acids to produce proteins, and uptake mechanisms were thought to ...

Researchers get a grip on nervous system's receptors

A digital signal processing technique long used by statisticians to analyze data is helping Houston scientists understand the roots of memory and learning, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and stroke.

Fix, not fight: Scientists help plants regenerate after injury

After injury, plants make a trade-off between repairing damaged tissue and ramping up their defenses, according to a new study led by researchers in New York University's Center for Genomics and Systems Biology and published ...

Researchers image crucial anthrax protein

( -- Anthrax, long feared for its potential as a biological weapon, has lost some of its mystery. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, in collaboration with scientists ...

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