High planetary tilt lowers odds for life?

Highly-tilted worlds would have extreme seasons, subjecting life to alternating periods of scorching and subzero temperatures. This could make the development of all but hardiest, simplest creatures a long shot.

Internet keeps government honest: Google chief

Broader adoption of the Internet will keep governments on their toes as wired-up citizens exercise their newfound power to check rights abuses, Google chief Eric Schmidt said on Saturday.

Cold War offered odd benefit -- it limited species invasions

A recent study about movement of bird species during the Cold War outlines one of the perils facing an expanding global economy - along with international trade comes the potential for a significant increase in invasive species ...

Global sunscreen won't save corals

Emergency plans to counteract global warming by artificially shading the Earth from incoming sunlight might lower the planet's temperature a few degrees, but such "geoengineering" solutions would do little to stop the acidification ...

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