Permafrost: a ticking carbon time bomb

Sheltered by snow-spattered mountains, the Stordalen mire is a flat, marshy plateau, pockmarked with muddy puddles. A whiff of rotten eggs wafts through the fresh air.

How quickly does the climate recover?

Climate change is causing temperatures to rise and is also increasing the likelihood of storms, heavy rain, and flooding—the recent flood disaster in the Ahr valley in Germany is just one such example. What we need to ask ...

In Egypt's Red Sea, corals fade as oceans warm

Standing on a boat bobbing gently in the Red Sea, Egyptian diving instructor Mohamed Abdelaziz looks on as tourists snorkel amid the brilliantly coloured corals, a natural wonder now under threat from climate change.

La Nina climate cycle may reemerge in 2021: UN

The weather phenomenon La Nina could resurface before the end of 2021, after petering out four months ago, the UN said Thursday, predicting above-average temperatures despite its generally cooling influence.

Climate scientist on UN report: Just as bad as we expected

In a major United Nations report released last Monday, the more than 230 scientists who make up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change described "unprecedented" climate change over the past century and warned in similarly ...

No good news here: Key IPCC findings on climate change

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's first major scientific assessment since 2014, released Monday, shows unequivocally that global warming is unfolding more quickly than feared and that humanity is almost entirely ...

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